Superstorm Sandy rocked the eastern seaboard in October. The storm that swept along the coast, and lapped at homes sitting yards from the water, caused immeasurable damage. In some areas, entire neighborhoods were washed away as the waves battered boardwalks and sidewalks. Once the storm passed, homeowners were tasked with figuring out a way to get flood waters out of their homes. Some were lucky, sustaining only damage in basements, but others were forced to clear entire homes of their framework on main living areas. The water damage was intense, but there are several ways to go about clearing water from a home.
Those who sustain water in their basement during storms are likely familiar with the act of reverse pumping. A pump can be used, with a hose, to remove flood waters from basements and out to storm drains. The pump and two hoses are needed to get the job done, but it is a straight forward process. First all electricity must be turned off at the circuit breaker. The hose must than be placed in the water with a secondary hose pulled out away from the home. Once the pump is turned on it will pump water out of the basement and into the storm drain where it belonged initially.
If entire homes are flooded the damage is likely far more expensive and it is important to call in professional cleaning and renovation crews to deal with the damage. These professionals will pump out the water from a home and then inspect each area of the home for damage to the walls and sheet rock. In many cases, homes with extensive water damage will have to replace entire walls. The sheet rock has a tendency to absorb water and develop mold. Removing the walls down to the studs is the only way to avoid mold growth, in some cases.
A flooded home is never easy to deal with. Lost memories and valuables compound the sorrow of seeing a home under water. Thankfully, there are ways to quickly rectify the situation so new memories can be created inside the walls of a home.
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